dimecres, de juny 20, 2007

Tens por de ser diferent?

Estic subscrit al Daily Guru, una mena de newsletter q cada dia t'envia un pensament per a la reflexió. El d'avui m'ha agradat molt, així q el copio:

Wednesday 20, June 2007
Are you afraid to be different?
On the path of
evolution, we move from being a willing and obedient member of the group to
wanting to take control over our own lives. This is a necessary but difficult
Andrew Schneider says, "At this point we are afraid of being
ourselves. We are afraid of being unique and different. We are afraid of being
individually powerful, and even successful. For all of these things stand
against the old ways that told us that conformity was right and individualism
was wrong."
"For as long as we possibly can, we make a compromise. We try to
live both lives - the dependent tribal life and the independent personal life -
as contradictory and opposite as they are."
"We want approval from others.
We want to be accepted and popular. We seek this comfort to overcome our fear
and feel more secure. ...So, at times when we conform, we don’t feel the fear of
living. But we might lose the new sense of adventure, discovery, daring and
enthusiasm for life that the questioning and questing have brought us."
"Nature never repeats herself, and the possibilities of one human soul will
never be found in another."
-- Elizabeth Cady Stanton
